Karin Fink
17 Feb 2016, 08:43 AM
Chapters 3 › In your opinion?: Climate Change policy View instructions Hide instructions

Climate Change policy

According to you, which health impact due to climate change should be prioritized on the United Nations agenda?

Climate Change and UN Priorities


When thinking of UN priorities I also think of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) that have been adopted recently. There is a goal on climate change (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg13) and one on health (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg3), but unfortunately those are not really interlinked. Therefore these goals should be assessed in a more integrated way in order to find priorites that bring considerable relief in both respects.
Personally I also believe that ending hunger and malnutrition (as put forward in SDG2 (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg2) is the backbone for making people more resistant against diseases. I see also a second backbone: the dissemination of information around infectious diseases and what is available for prevention.

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