Julien Moeschler
23 Oct 2015, 01:08 PM
Chapters 2 › People: Observe 3 People View instructions Hide instructions

Observe 3 People

Next time you are in a lunch or coffee break, take your sketchbook and pencil with you.

Then: Choose 3 people that you want to observe and draw.
Really focus on their body language. How do they move? What emotions can you read in their expressions and movements?

Choose either the UVO or Gray method and transfer your observations into your drawings of these 3 people.

If you need some help with drawing ideas, check out these videos first. Christoph is showing us some more movement variations and effects – this time for sketching people.

Basic People


Basic People


Christoph Hienerth (instructor)
over 8 years ago

ok - this is really nice quality! you must have done some like this before, right? welcome to the course and I hope that you can use some of the material provided here! Great to have you on board!

Julien Moeschler
over 8 years ago

I always enjoyed drawing but never really botherd to learn properly. This course suits me really nicely!

Christoph Hienerth (instructor)
over 8 years ago

I am glad to hear that! Hope that you will find even more useful elements as the course progresses!

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