France Bobet
01 Apr 2016, 11:32 AM
Chapters 3 › Unit 3: Backwards Learning Design: Help out Martina! View instructions Hide instructions

Help out Martina!

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Imagine Martina, a junior but enthusiastic project manager in her company’s marketing department. She was recently promoted to Senior Marketing Manager and Team Lead, supervising 3 other staff members she was previously colleagues with. Even though Martina is quite enthusiastic about her new position, she is also anxious about all the paperwork and new responsibilities. After the first few months, she is swamped with work, feeling shy to delegate and struggling to juggle her old tasks as a project manager on top of now reporting to management.

Martina’s boss feels she now needs to learn management and team leading skills, so she approaches her about getting trained. In order for the training to be effective, we need to identify her possible knowledge gaps and desired skills.

So think about what you want Martina to learn. How can you assess this and how do you want her to learn?

Start with the learning objective and design her training backwards. If you prefer to do this by hand, download the worksheet below.

1) What do you want/expect Martina to learn?
Formulate learning objectives and standards: What should Martina know, understand and be able to do by the end?

2) How will you know and make sure that Martina has learned it?
Determine assessment and impact measurement: How can Martina show what she has learned? What should she be able to demonstrate?

3) What learning experience do you want Martina to have?
Design instructions and decide on learning activities and content forms:
How do you want Martina to learn?

Martina's Learnings


Understand what is management (main key principles)
Understand what are the different management styles (participative, directive, etc) and be able to recognize hers
Develop a leardership mindset through:
-> Developing self confidence and initiative mindset
-> Know how to link her and her team objectives to the business ones in order to prioritize work and projects
-> Strengthen decision-making and critical thinking,
-> Strenghten motivating and conflict-resolution abilities,
-> Cultivate a unique leadership style and share a vision
-> Improve the aptitude for giving and receiving feedback

To measure her learnings:
-> She will have to redefine her objectives and tasks according to the business ones
-> Communicate more efficiently with her team and be more directive: share a vision, provide feedbacks, etc.
-> She will have to delegate some of her tasks to her team members. Make sure that her team members understand their role and work organization

I would suggest her to follow a MOOC/COOC about leadership in order to learn the theory but more importantly to get tipps and tricks with real case studies and exercices. As she is still shy with her team members, it would be benefic for her to get to hear other experiences and how people are coping with it through discussions. While going through the different steps, we would also have specific tasks to fill and could link them to her work situation. Last but not least, having online coaches and discussions with other trainees would also enhance her knowledge and confidence.

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