Eunice Duron
08 Nov 2015, 04:12 PM
Chapters 1 › Harold Cohen's Artificial Intelligence Paradigm for Art Making: what is life? View instructions Hide instructions

what is life?

Line is one of the simplest and most basic aspects of art, but it can also contain a lot of emotion. Use lines to demonstrate visually how you're feeling....

Art example: Each Line One Breath,



Lately, I feel like I am lost. I am not sure what I want to do: with my life, work, everything.  I feel like I am all alone in dealing with this yet I am, from time to time, reminded that I am not.  I am grateful to the people around me who push me to go on with life.

Lately, I feel like I am lost. I am not sure what I want to do: with my life, work, everything. I feel like I am all alone in dealing with this yet I am, from time to time, reminded that I am not. I am grateful to the people around me who push me to go on with life.


Maria Carvalho
over 8 years ago

You picked power lines for the first journal entry... Remember that :)

Eunice Duron
over 8 years ago

Awwww... Thank you for your comment, Maria! That means a lot to me! :')

Stefan Mose
over 8 years ago

Good work! Fits fantastic to week 2 of this course because question remains as open. I like that!

Eunice Duron
over 8 years ago

Thank you for the kind words, Stefan! :D I visit your journal too, every now and then. Thank you for sharing info about developing photographs using Vitamin C and coffee!;) I would love to try it when I can! :)

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