Deepa Dawadi
07 Feb 2017, 08:21 AM

Organising! Organising! Organising!


Organising is only means to secure formal and informal workers rights. Therefore Trade Unions should organise more workers and strengthen power to raise voice against the suppression of workers. In Nepal, GEFONT has been conducting organising campaign on ground focusing on precarious jobs- both formal and informal, Education and Awareness Campaign, Lobbying for amendment of Labour laws and pressuring for recognition of Informal work.


Florence Mucha Taruvinga
about 7 years ago

Organising is the implementation of trade union coordinated plans,approaches ,strategies,tactics and technique to accomplish the desires and aspirations of workers and union membership.Organising is indeed an act of turning the trade union popularity into active numbers .Without the numbers it would not be possible to have the political voice that can make changes to the workplace and beyond.It would surely be of our interest to follow the organising trends being done by the GEFONT because in Zimbabwe we are faced with a very growing informal sector as well as a shrinking formal economy.
They is need to share strategies on linking up of mainline line trade unions with informal sector associations the only challenge that exist however is that within the informal sector you have both employers and employees ,and some workers in that sector are own account workers.

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