Carola Schmidt
11 Jul 2017, 09:24 PM
Chapters 4 › Unit 3: Gamification in Corporate Digital Learning: Gamification for Martina! View instructions Hide instructions

Gamification for Martina!

Do you remember Martina from chapter 2?

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You already defined her learning objectives.
You helped her create a culture of learning.
Now it is time, to think about gamification for her online training and learning. How can you add game elements and motivate her in her learning journey?

Need some inspiration for this journal exercise?

1) Article by John Hagel and John Seely Brown on how the online game World of Warcraft can help promote innovation - even on the job.

2) Knowledge@Wharton writes about how to use gamification in the health care sector in this article published on business insider.

3) Remember the example in our main material from HP? Here is the article by Chanin Ballance to read up upon their case.

4) is a Volkswagen initiative that wants to show how easy it is to support and engage people in simple tasks such as bottle recycling or respecting the speed control.

5) Or watch this video by Khan Academy, explaining some of their gamification elements on their platform:

Video by CenterScene

We are excited to see how we can all help Martina out.

Gamification for Martina!


I think that playing around with her organizational skills could be a fun game in her learning journey. Maybe there are some existing games, where one has to juggle with deadlines, meeting dates, etc. In the game Martina could try out some strategies to see, what HER strategy is. So she could incorporate this one into her daily work.
Another possibility is to add an awarding system into her learning modules. Although this has not neccessarily to do with her learning, she might get motivated by it. I believe for Martina it might work, because she seems to be a person that is told, that she achieved something or did something "well", now and then.
Maybe in team meetings there are other possibilities of "playing games", that show Martina's new role in the team. Like in some role playing games, she could be the master. Or like in corporative games, the team discusses something, but at last, it is Martina who has to decide and take the consequences for it.
Unfortunately I cannot be more specific. I hope to get inspirede by some fellow learners.

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