Arturo Bermudez
26 Dec 2016, 10:28 PM
Chapters 3 › Dissect the marketing strategy of your favorite brand: It´s time for some analysis...dissect the digital marketing strategy of your favorite brand View instructions Hide instructions

It´s time for some analysis...dissect the digital marketing strategy of your favorite brand

What is your favorite brand?

WHY is it your favorite brand? What is their WHY? Does your why and theirs match? What are the emotional, functional, social or self-expressive benefits they deliver to you?

And how is it reflected in their marketing mix, their 4P´s?

In case you need further instructions on how to tackle it, go to the additional material section of chapter 3.1 (e.g. there is an analysis of the marketing mix of Starbucks)

Chapter 3 Thoughts


What is your favorite brand?

WHY is it your favorite brand? What is their WHY? Does your why and theirs match? What are the emotional, functional, social or self-expressive benefits they deliver to you? And how is it reflected in their marketing mix, their 4P´s?

Apple is my favorite brand because they have a minimalist, simple and clear message. Also, their products are user friendly and beautifully designed.

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