Zoltán Mészáros
01. Apr 2016 07:28 Uhr
Kapitel 4 › Unit 3: Gamification in Corporate Digital Learning: Gamification for Martina! Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Gamification for Martina!

Do you remember Martina from chapter 2?

enter image description here enter image description here

You already defined her learning objectives.
You helped her create a culture of learning.
Now it is time, to think about gamification for her online training and learning. How can you add game elements and motivate her in her learning journey?

Need some inspiration for this journal exercise?

1) Article by John Hagel and John Seely Brown on how the online game World of Warcraft can help promote innovation - even on the job.

2) Knowledge@Wharton writes about how to use gamification in the health care sector in this article published on business insider.

3) Remember the example in our main material from HP? Here is the article by Chanin Ballance to read up upon their case.

4) Thefuntheory.com is a Volkswagen initiative that wants to show how easy it is to support and engage people in simple tasks such as bottle recycling or respecting the speed control.

5) Or watch this video by Khan Academy, explaining some of their gamification elements on their platform:

Video by CenterScene

We are excited to see how we can all help Martina out.

Another use of the game


As far I can think of it, the games might help employee-s to wash out their brains of being tired, and after that they are more productive.


Jocelyn Phelps
vor etwa 8 Jahren

Even emptying your mind when you are tired can be a good way to prepare learning. Think about the way you would organize a seminar with people working together in a room for a day. You would have a game (called an ice-breaker) to start - it would be fun and energizing, and it would also give people a playful way to learn something useful about the people in the group. Then, after lunch, to keep people awake in the afternoon, you would probably do something else to stimulate them - maybe another energizer or small-group work or asking people to stand up and do something.

So yes, get people out of their heads so you can let the learning in!

Zoltán Mészáros
vor etwa 8 Jahren

Yes, it can work.

On last webinar I heared two key sentences:
1. If you would like to be successful you must raise the motivation of interest.
2. Make people to feel happy.

Those things are forgotten in schools, so the corporate learning may have retroaction for that to.

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