Torben Jakobsen
17. Mai 2016 15:07 Uhr
Kapitel 5 › More Personal to the Costumer: More Personal to the Customer Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

More Personal to the Customer

Step 1. Build the best possible model

Nienke suggested that you try to build your own cross-sell models for the other products you want to include in the next best offer. Try to first build a couple of trees – or more if you are getting the hang of it!

After you created different decision trees, work with the rank or index method based on your predicted probabilities to determine the next best offer.
(Hint: If you need a little help with these methods, check out the additional material section in the previous unit).

Step 2. Inform your colleagues

Use your model outcomes in a briefing to your colleagues. You want to activate them by showing them the new way of using predictive modelling to derive the Next Best Offer per customer. In this way your company can be more relevant - and thus personal - to the customer. Take them through the most important process-steps.

Next best offer


I have made the nextbest offer using the decision tree for the home insurences (HomeActive). I have made the analysis, but there seems to be a problem with my gainliftchart for the second model. I have tried to locate the error in the code, but I cannot find it.

Here is the code I have used for the gainliftchart (i have also attached the full script).
gainLiftChart( index = 1:length(subvalidationset_home[,1]),
target = subvalidationset_home$HomeActive,
predictions = scoreset_home$predictions_home,
charttitle = "Cumulative gains and lift chart",
nameyaxis = "Gain/Lift",
namexaxis = "% customers selected",
smooth = 10,
secondaxis = 80)

Decistiontree for HomeActive
problematic gainliftchart


Torben Jakobsen
vor fast 8 Jahren

here is the script for the model:
subtrainset_home <- trainSet[c(7:24,26:43)]

Growing the tree

model1_home <- rpart(HomeActive ~., data = subtrainset_home, method = 'anova')


prp(model1_home, extra = 101)

Examine variable importance


Et større træ (lavere CP)

model2_home <- rpart(HomeActive ~., data = subtrainset_home, method = 'anova', cp =0.001)
prp(model2_home, extra = 101)

Determine the optimal tree size


Visualuze the cross-validated results

plotcp(model2_home, upper = "splits" )

Prune back the tree

model3_home <- prune(model2_home, cp =0.001)
prp(model3_home, extra = 101)

Set the minimum bucket (end node) size

model4_home <- rpart(HomeActive ~., data = subtrainset_home, method = 'anova', cp =0.004, minbucket = 100)
prp(model4_home, extra =101)

Check robustness of variable importance

Create a subset of variables that may be included in the decision tree model

subvalidationset_home <- validationSet[c(7:24,26:43)]

Estimate the model on the subValidationSet

valmodel4_home <- rpart(HomeActive ~., data = subvalidationset_home, method = 'anova', cp =0.004, minbucket = 100)
prp(valmodel4_home, extra = 101)

Cumulative gains chart and life chart

predictions_home <- predict(model4_home, newdata = validationSet)

create scoreset

scoreset_home <- data.frame(cbind(predictions_home,validationSet$HomeActive))

plot Gainchart using the Gainchart Function

gainLiftChart( index = 1:length(subvalidationset_home[,1]),
target = subvalidationset_home$HomeActive,
predictions = scoreset_home$predictions_home,
charttitle = "Cumulative gains and lift chart",
nameyaxis = "Gain/Lift",
namexaxis = "% customers selected",
smooth = 10,
secondaxis = 80)

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