Sofia Silva
05. Jan 2018 22:03 Uhr
Kapitel 1 › Journal Assignment for Chapter 1: Do you feel like part of the 'Us' or the 'Them'? Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Do you feel like part of the 'Us' or the 'Them'?

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Tell us: Where do you fall on the ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ spectrum?

In this chapter, you've seen many examples of how diversity is understood and contested in Germany and Canada. We imagine you may want to comment on what you've heard and maybe even share your personal experiences. The 'Us' & 'Them' course community would love to hear from you:

Here are some guiding questions to draw from:

  • How is diversity perceived in your country?
  • How are the communities you identify with (race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, sex, gender...) represented in media and public life?
  • What examples can you mention or find that indicate your inclusion or exclusion from mainstream society?
  • What experiences have you had where others perceived you in a certain way based on how you look or where you come from? Were these correct or incorrect?
  • Does your country recognize itself as a country of immigration and in which ways? Do you see your country as a country of immigration?

Now what?
Click 'Start in Journal', and fill out the entry. How you do this is up to you: You can use just words, or add pictures or links to articles or videos to highlight your point!

Is this journal assignment required?
No! Nothing in our course is 'required', and there are no grades, but we encourage you to reflect on these topics and share if you feel comfortable, so that others in the course can benefit from your experiences.

Between "us" and "them"


I think in Portugal we still have the "us" and "them", the portugueses (born and lived all life here) and the others, the foreigners. But i also believe that is changing.
There is less differences each year, the categories are more politicals than culturals, in my opinion. There is more asians or europeans than chinese, french or british. We start to walk on diversification and embrace the differences.
In 2015 i've been abroad in Romania and a lot of romanians ask me if i'm spanish, and all they know about Portugal is Cristiano Ronaldo, the football player, and portugal is a part of Spain. For that i feel bad, and thinking now i'm more "us", the individual, my country it's different from Spain, even if he is my country neighbor. But i'm also like to think i'm "them", the people who like to live in whatever country but feel part of it.
Right now, i believe Portugal as a immigration country. Every day i hear more people talking in other languages than portuguese. I think it's good, because it's more easier to move between countries.

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