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28. Mär 2016 14:10 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Unit 6: Share Your Story! ☝: Share Your Story! ☝ Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Share Your Story! ☝

My Digital Learning Experience


Successes: We have implemented a on-line blended learning journey that we now apply to many domains (leadership development, technical, certifications). It is typically a 12 week long journey with self-directed activities, and one or two live online sessions per week.
Challenges:We have experienced difficulties in keeping learners engaged throughout the program
Learnings: We have to carefully script the entire journey at a very detailed level to be able to scale it up (run it many times). The scripting of hte journey is much more time consuming for the online journey (more detailed) than for a face-to-face journey.
Recommendations: Think of the program through the eyes of the learner so that we better understand those moments where learners may disengage.

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