Racquel Martin
13. Jan 2017 03:37 Uhr
Kapitel 3 › Unit 1: How to Decide on a Digital Learning Strategy?: Let's Get Visual! Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Let's Get Visual!

What Do Your Road Signs Towards a Digital Learning Strategy Look Like?

What 5 questions do you feel are the right ones to ask in order to address your needs?
What is important to consider in your company or corporate context?
Let's get visual and create a little drawing, image or graphic with 5 signs and questions you feel are necessary to address. Make sure to go through the additional materials first, then upload your visual "roadmap" to your journal.

enter image description here
Infographic by CommlabIndia

5 questions when formulating a digital learning strategy

  1. Is there a need for?
  2. If so, What are those needs?
  3. What methodology to use to carry out the objectives for the learning strategy?
  4. What will be the cost in implementing this strategy?
  5. Who are the stakeholder and their responsibilities to carry out this strategy?

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