Nadezda Chernyak
11. Apr 2016 22:45 Uhr
Kapitel 3 › Unit 4: Technical and Other Implications: Creating a Culture of Learning for Martina Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Creating a Culture of Learning for Martina

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Imagine Martina from Unit 3 again. She is working 40 hours a week and on top of that, needs to learn about managing and leading a team in an online training class.
So now Martina is trying to integrate her learning and training into her work. However, she feels uncomfortable reading a text or watching a video as part of her online training in front of her team at work. In the end, she decides to learn at home in her free time, making her more stressed than before.

Help Martina create a learning culture in her team or office!

For example: She could create a corner in the office with a flag on it, when it is learning time, every Friday afternoon for 2 hours. She could block her calendar, creating deadlines for herself to finish the tasks, have open conversations with her staff members about her learning experiences etc.

How can you support her?

There are quite a few ideas you can develop after having read all the implications that a corporate digital strategy involves in the main and the additional material.

Do you need more inspiration for the task? Then have a look at the following links and articles:

Put yourself in the shoes of the learner: This nicely written article in the Washington Post illustrates the power of spending two days as a learner and experiencing their everyday lives.

How much time do you spend on learning a week? This short article by Jane Hart includes a poll about how many hours people spend on learning. She also wrote about 5 steps towards Modern Workplace Learning. It is important is to see the change, be the change and support the change.

Or maybe you get some inspiration by a rather controversial article and push for employees to learn in their free time? Quentin Hardy wrote in the NY Times about how AT&T "Tells Its Workers: Adapt, or Else".

Find some images that visualize how you can help Martina and how Martina can create a culture of learning. Upload these images as part of your journal entry and your ideas so that we can collect them at the end and create a collage.

Creating a Culture of Learning for Martina


Make her progress and achievement visible to the team
Martina feels uncomfortable learning in front of her team at work. This happens partly because the team doesn't see the progress and results of the time Martina spends online. If Martina knows and feels that she has learnt something important, the rest of the team cannot feel/see/understand it and consequently appreciate.
I would recommend Martina to have a board above her desk where she could place interesting and inspiring quotations, relevant to her work principles, useful schemas of methods, etc. - everything from her course she finds valuable and important for her work. It should be colorful and short pieces. The would catch the attention of her co-workers, stimulate their questions and discussion of her online training, and demonstrate knowledge she acquired.

It could take the following form:
enter image description here
(image source:

The best way to learn something is to teach somebody
Martina might be confused having both a team lead role and a learner role. I would recommend her to change her role from the learner to the teacher by inviting her team every week to the 15-min presentation on a particular topic from the course. It could take place during the lunch. This will help her to practice and remember the material. In addition, this will create a "common background" (a set of cases, methods, principles, etc) in the team. And she will hopefully start to feel more like a leader than a young professional.

How it could go:
enter image description here
(image source:

Place: being surrounded by other people who study
Being in a place where everyone reads or learns motivates people to learn. I would recommend Martina to initiate a meet-up of her colleagues from all departments of the company who also take online courses, and to book a room for a 1-hour study together. If it's not possible I would recommend her to go to the nearest library or university campus cafe!

A picture from my uni taken at 1 am with students studying hard at the library. Sitting among them motivated me a lot:enter image description here

Reward: something valuable outside of a company
Rewards should be something valuable outside the company (certification, licence, degree, etc.). I would recommend Martina to choose an online course that will allow her to show professional credibility outside the company as this will boost her motivation (reference to Seven “C”s Model Ensure Learner Engagement in Corporate Education)

Looking forward to your comments!


Katharina from iversity
vor etwa 8 Jahren

Wow! I really like those ideas and you also made them visible for us! Will brainstorm more about the visibility aspect. :)

Nadezda Chernyak
vor etwa 8 Jahren

Thank you for your comment, Katharina! Looking forward to brainstorming about the visibility aspect :)

Ann Le Roy
vor fast 8 Jahren

Our company allows 40 students a day to study in our 'Knowledge Centre', empty places are told on twitter and within 15 minutes all places are taken.

Ann Le Roy
vor fast 8 Jahren

the visibility of self-learning-experience is a great idea! And because we are working in a flexible workplace (at work, at home and on other locations) maybe we could make a personal page with this

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