maria c Rojales Gutierrez
maria c’s Logbuch
3 Einträge
1 Follower

»Since I was not able to conduct an interview due to heavy load of work of those people around, I would just share what I understand about the carbon footprint. It's the quality of gasoline o…

Carbon Footprint

maria c Rojales Gutierrez, 28. Feb 16

»What should be prioritized in the United Nations when solving issues in climate change? Can we just go on with the sequence how it happened? I mean what is current that needs some attention t…

Health impact due to climate change

maria c Rojales Gutierrez, 17. Feb 16

»Climate change is the sudden change of atmosphere around the world which result extreme weather changes that occurs unpredictably. Is it because we are being abusive of the nature and forgetti…

Climate change

maria c Rojales Gutierrez, 10. Feb 16