Luuk Feijt
13. Feb 2016 18:07 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Climate change to you: What is climate change to you? Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

What is climate change to you?

What is climate change to you?

Say in few words what comes to your mind when you think about climate change? In other words, to you what is climate change associate with?
You can add images, texts, etc.

Tension and Opportunity


Climate is related to a certain area, and therefore part of everyone's experience of living. It depends on what you are used to wear, how people look, daily rhytms, etc.
Change in climate can be seen as a change in identity and patterns: people are used to a certain way of life and that way of life fits a certain climate. Adjustments can give tension, but also opportunities, to live a good life.

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