Kim Herms
03. Nov 2015 08:18 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Structuring Elements: Create Your Own Containers and Connectors Database Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Create Your Own Containers and Connectors Database

Download both of the worksheets and start filling them out with what you have learned in this unit.

Guess what? By doing so, you will already create your own containers and connectors database. Now keep on filling it up as you go along.

Did you come up with an amazing idea for a container or connector? Share it with your community in your journal!

My container and connector Database


Those worksheets help al lot to develop a database. I think I have an idea of how I am going to create my containers from now on:

Container higlighting


Christoph Hienerth (instructor)
vor mehr als 8 Jahre

very nice and good idea to do so!

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