Julian Hatwell
12. Nov 2015 13:08 Uhr
Kapitel 4 › 6 Options to Visually Think About Your Content: Your Turn: Show The Course Your Product/Service! Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Your Turn: Show The Course Your Product/Service!

After practicing on the apple watch, it is time for the next Step - presenting your product/company/service.

First think about the 6 options and from which perspective you want to show your product or service to the course community.
Then pick the one you prefer or fits best and start developing your drawing.
Upload the final image and let your fellow course members guess what you are doing in your business life.

Qualitative and Quantitative


enter image description here
I used an empathy map to give the customer view.
I drew some charts to show how wearable technology is growing.

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