Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
18. Feb 2016 00:50 Uhr
Kapitel 3 › In your opinion?: Climate Change policy Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Climate Change policy

According to you, which health impact due to climate change should be prioritized on the United Nations agenda?

Politics, Mosquitos and Evniroenment


I believe as how far as can be , climate is provoking such reberberation and how we moderate and get behave this stumbling that is overexploiting the planet yet.

A huge Campaign must be started in every Big Mark to tend advocating a massive and propagated an internations bargain to make influence and majority awareness asset.

" Every boy that have been born , new project have been born - thereby to tend minimize the helpless being incoming,

Just quite for every Mosquito, new antidote.. at all the epilogue is a disease defeated...


Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
vor etwa 8 Jahren

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