Jessah Mae Miranda
19. Okt 2017 09:11 Uhr
Kapitel 6 › Assignment #5: Make a physical model: Assignment #5: Make a physical model Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Assignment #5: Make a physical model

This chapter's assignment is all about rethinking your concept.

Use the canvas to reframe the interaction in your design and communicate it using a physical prototype.

Review your design and extend your service to the physical world.

‘Take’ the interaction out of the screen and design a solution that uses an object (other than e.g. a smartphone) or the physical environment (using sensor technology).

Use the prototyping canvas and reposition the goal and purpose of your idea.

Make a physical prototype of your smart object:
- Put together simple three-dimensional representations of your idea. Use paper, cardboard, pipe cleaners, fabric and whatever else you can find. At the start, keep it rough and at a low fidelity. Evolve the resolution over time.
- In case of smart environment/ubiquitous computing concept you can make a maquette.
- Finally, test your service/concept on two users using the physical
prototype with Wizard of Oz techniques.

For peer feedback:

  1. Upload a photo of your prototype
  2. Upload a video (or link to video) of a test with your prototype

Now go and make something! Some Things!

Sixth Journal


This is my Sixth Journal

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