Georgi Karamihaylov
13. Apr 2017 08:32 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Unit 6: Share Your Story! ☝: Share Your Story! ☝ Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Share Your Story! ☝

Experience so far


I have been gone through some corporates digital learning courses in various companies. And I was disappointed.

It was because more of these courses are just for skipping forward and not really for gaining knowledge.

The digital learning means for many people that they are disconnected from the teacher somehow and they can cheat.

I have gone also through many MOOCs and I had a really wonderful experience when I was asked to apply the new skills into the "analog" world. Then I received also feedback from my fellows and could reflect on the new gained knowledge.


Sabrina Ehmann
vor fast 7 Jahren

Hi Georgi,
which skills could you apply from MOOCs?

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