Fernanda Zamorano
01. Jun 2017 04:19 Uhr
Kapitel 7 › What are you taking away from this course?: What are you taking away from this course? Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

What are you taking away from this course?

You have made your way through several digital marketing strategies and channels.

Therefore, we would like to ask you to reflect on the whole course material and pick one new insight, tool, concept etc. which you either already implemented/ tested/ dug deeper into or want to do so in the future. And why did you choose it?

But also, what are you missing or wish we had done differently?*

Chapter 7 - Journal


What are you taking away from this course?
For me is video. I have started using this strategy for product launching in order to be connected with end users. Great course with a lot of relevant content. Thank you for these opportunity!


Jürgen Seitz (instructor)
vor fast 7 Jahre

Dear Fernanda,

thank you for your feedback! Very happy to hear that you benefitted from our course.



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