Dragos Iorga
12. Mär 2018 21:23 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Assumption exercise step 2: Identifying and assessing assumptions Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Identifying and assessing assumptions

A. Example. All these six statements are arguments and each has a conclusion and just one stated premise. So, all of them must have one hidden premise; each reasoning is therefore based on one key assumption.

Let’s take the last example:

If you want a high-quality service, you should buy an Xphone SIM card. You know, Xphone is the biggest telecommunication company in Europe.

Premise: Xphone is the biggest telecommunication company in Europe.
Conclusion: If you want a high-quality service, you should buy an Xphone SIM card.

What is the assumption?
What would be the hidden premise that completes the statement? My best take is:

"The size of a company is a good indicator of the quality of its services."

Is it true?
We have identified the assumption. Should we trust it? Do you think it is a true premise? I hope you agree that it’s not. There are plenty of counterexamples where market leaders do not necessarily have the best services. They might have other competitive advantages, like lower price, or a better distribution network. I’m not going to name names here, but I’m sure you can think of some.

Please reevaluate the statement!
Now, having identified and evaluated the assumption, let’s have you assess the initial statement again:

If you want a high-quality service, you should buy a Xphone SIM card. You know, Xphone is the biggest telecommunication company in Europe.

enter image description here

Did anything change comparing to your first assessment?

B. Your turn!

Please analyze all the other statements in the same manner. More precisely, for each statement from 1 to 5 please fill in the next questionnaire in your journal. It is important to actually write down the assumption.

1. This job is for the company’s reception desk, so we need a mature lady. It’s important that our clients feel an atmosphere of trust and professionalism the moment they enter the building.
What is the assumption?
Is it true?
Please reevaluate the statement

2. Mike is really successful! He’s not 30 yet and he already has a three thousand Euros salary.
What is the assumption?
Is it true?
Please reevaluate the statement:

3. The traffic in Bucharest is getting more civilized. I know this because the total amount of speeding tickets decreased 12% y.o.y.
What is the assumption?
Is it true?
Please reevaluate the statement:

4. It is time for France to decide on all major issues through referendums. Between 1995 and 2005 the Swiss citizens voted in 31 referenda answering no less than 103 questions, compared to only 2 in France.
What is the assumption?
Is it true?
Please reevaluate the statement:

5. I’m the client. It’s my money, so I get to decide the terms of the deal.
What is the assumption?
Is it true?
Please reevaluate the statement:

C. Interpreting the results.
Are there any differences between your first and your second evaluations? For how many of the 5 statements? Did any of your new evaluations cross the middle line? Please take a moment to think about what external influence made you change your mind! You can find out my comments at the beginning of the next unit.

Hidden Premise

  1. The assumption is that mature ladies are inclined to create an atmosphere of trust and professionalism for clients.

Maturity is not necessarily the only indicator of trust and professionalism. Other examples would be seriousness, politeness and conscientiousness.

I still strongly disagree. 2

  1. The assumption is that 30 year olds do not usually make 3k euros as a monthly income

I do not have off the shelve facts but based on average income across different countries it can be a strong point to make


  1. Less speeding tickets means more civilized behavior among drivers

I would say yes. Even though it is not the only indicator of civilized behavior (others would be accidents, use of language, etc.) it can distinguish itself as a change in behavior of drivers


  1. If Swedish people have decided through referendum, french people should do the same

No. Only from this particular statement, we cannot know whether this has caused a good outcome. We do not know whether France is in the right state of mind to make decisions through such a system.


  1. The terms of a two-way deal only stands with the client

No. The deal has to be profitable for both of the contributors.



Dragos Iorga
vor etwa 6 Jahren


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