Choon Lian Leow
22. Okt 2015 16:47 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Basic Shapes: What Does Your Skyline / Countryside Look Like? Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

What Does Your Skyline / Countryside Look Like?

What does your city's or country's most famous building, skyline, monument or landscape look like?

Show the course community in the journal where you are from by drawing a picture with basic shapes. Maybe someone can guess the your region only by your drawing!

My City Skyline


My City Skyline


Julian Hatwell
vor mehr als 8 Jahre

hello, i'm in Singapore too :-). i like your marina bay

Choon Lian Leow
vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Hi, thanks for the compliment...

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