Aditya Nagarkar
30. Mai 2016 08:44 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Unit 6: Share Your Story! ☝: Share Your Story! ☝ Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Share Your Story! ☝



Successes - video based learning with additional materials for reference has helped in understanding the concepts better making application in the real world easier than previously thought.

Challenges - Sometimes content does not cover examples and scenarios that relate specifically to the job role or activity

Learnings - practice is the key to master the skill. It is difficult in the initial stages but with practice the techniques learnt become easier to implement

Recommendations - keep at it (practice) and ask yourself "why am i supposed to do this and what benefits does it bring about?" Learning application takes time so keep practicing the new found techniques and concepts. If you don't succeed, ask why and if you feel low on motivation, focus on the benefits the new learning brings about.

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